According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of the Earth suffer from fungal diseases of feet and nails.
Mycosis of the feet and toenails (onychomycosis) is an infectious disease in women and in men. The infectious origin of the fungus may be different – the reduction of the immunity to damage of the nail with a layer.
The process begins with the skin of the feet, often with interdigital folds, which they form cracks and peeling. Usually, the skin starts to glow and appear small bubbles, which bursting, form sores and cracks. If this is to avoid "home," the fungus can gradually spread on the nails. For nail fungus is an ideal destination for reproduction. The nails are made of keratin, the substance which feed on fungal pathogens. A fungus, once in the nail plate, grows and multiplies. Gradually, the nail plate tarnish thicken, acquire an uneven surface and covered with yellow spots. By doing this, the nails easily break, exfoliate and lose sight of the aesthetic!
The main symptoms
The main symptoms of athlete's foot and nail may be listed:
- The cracks in the interdigital folds (usually between 1 to 2 m and 4 m to 5 m of the fingers);
- The thickening, or thinning of the nails;
- Itching and burning;
- Redness and peeling;
- Exfoliating;
- The unpleasant smell of the nail.

Heavy sweating is considered as the main factor of the appearance of the fungus of the feet. Therefore, it is necessary for the comfort of sensations wear only comfortable, much more dry and clean shoes. The shoe is recommended to change each day, wearing the same pair, at least by day. There are other causes of onychomycosis. For example, the damage of the nail with a layer. If the nail is not adjacent to the skin, in the cavity can easily penetrate the microbes, which begin to multiply, thus destroying the nail.
The fungus breeds well in a wet environment. Therefore, if Your shoes remains poorly dried, it will be faced with fungal diseases. By following a few simple rules will help You keep the health and beauty of the feet:
- Wear only comfortable and necessarily the quality of the shoes;
- Shoes must be clean and dry. At the pharmacy, you can buy a spray-on protection of the fungus, and manage their shoes and feet.
- In the steam room, sauna, fitness centre, should not walk barefoot. Take the shale.
- Should not wear shoes that someone else's feet.
- After the shower, as carefully as possible and better to wipe the feet, especially between the fingers.
- Manicure has always sanitize, immerse in alcohol.
In medicine, there is a modern way to get rid of the mold material, cleaning of the nails. It's quite an effective procedure that will help you to regain the beauty of your nails. With the help of special nozzles removed top layer of the damaged plates. This is not a damaged nail the lodge. Do not be afraid and to panic. The procedure is painless! The doctor before the procedure disinfects the surface of the plates, for an antifungal ointment and the medicine is the best penetrated the interior.
The material of the method of treatment of the fungus is named in this case, if hit more than 60% of the surface. In this case, the doctor may remove the nail plate. If hit less than 40% of the nail plate, it is assigned to a class of medications antifungals. The laser treatment is an effective method to get rid of the mold. The luminous flux of a laser instantly kills the fungus and its spores. The duration of the procedure varies from 20 to 30 minutes. For the full release of the fungus you will need a minimum of 3-5 laser exposure. The laser treatment, as well as medical service is painless.
It is recommended to disinfect everything that could touch the fungus. High temperature is the main enemy of the yeast infection. At a temperature of 75 degrees fungus dies in 10 to 15 minutes. Therefore, for the disinfection in cases of risk of infection mushrooms, you can apply the effect of the high temperature. Personal items (clothes, shoes, items for care of the skin, nails) – it is recommended to boil and ironed. To disinfect the shoes, you can also take advantage of a percent with a formalin solution in which the fungus dies in a few minutes or by means of disinfection. Should always remember that neglecting the prevention of the fungus is very dangerous, because it is a problem not only the owners cared for or sick feet, but quite healthy people, which can become infected in a public place.